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Chota offers a one or two day Paddle School each year in early June and continues with weekly beginner trips throughout the summer. Classes are intended for beginner and advanced beginner paddlers. Paddle School is offered for Whitewater kayaks and canoes and for Touring kayaks. Check our events around April for details.
The weekend starts on Friday evening with registration and meeting everyone, followed on Saturday morning by safety talk and then break into groups for a full day of lessons. Saturday night is a group dinner and auction (the only fund raiser the club does in the year). Sunday is another full day of instructions ending mid afternoon so people can get on the road home.
Throughout the year Chota will host safety classes and clinics. We’ll post these in the news section of the site and post them on the calendar.
All participants in Chota Canoe Club trips do so as common adventurers. The club or its individual members may coordinate paddling trips but no one is considered leader of a trip. All participants take the responsibility for making their own decisions including, but not limited to, whether to participate on any particular water body or section, what equipment they use, the routes they may choose to paddle, whether their skill levels and abilities are appropriate for the activity or whether climate and water conditions are appropriate for their participation. In applying for membership to the Chota Canoe Club (Chota), I acknowledge that paddling, like many sports, has inherent dangers which can be minimized through education and experience, but cannot be totally eliminated I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executers, and administrators waive any and all rights and claims for damage I may have against Chota, its officers and representatives for injuries suffered by me in Chota activities.
Safety Information at American Whitewater